Brian Mapes' seminar
- Títol del seminari: THE ANNUAL CYCLE: Strides, steps and stumbles in the march of the seasons
- Conferenciant: Professor Brian Mapes
- Lloc de procedència del conferenciant: University of Miami - RSMAS
- Organitzador: Dept. d'Astronomia i Meteorologia
- A/e de contacte: (Ileana Bladé)
- Data: Dimarts, 10 de gener de 2006
- Hora: 11:00
- Lloc: Seminari planta 7, Facultat de Física
- Resum: The mean annual cycle at daily resolution is examined in
several observed climate data sets, and climate model output.
For each variable at each location, the 365-day time series
has been spectrally analyzed using harmonic and wavelet analysis.
The great "strides" of the annual march are captured in annual
and semi-annual Fourier harmonics. Wavelet analysis is used to
capture shorter-period features, and estimate their statistical
significance. These wavelet-detected features include robust
famous "steps" such as monsoon onsets, but also some
mysterious high-frequency "stumbles" (called 'singularities' in
older climatology literature). Of course, the data also have a lot of
meaningless random sampling noise, so this is a useful 'laboratory'
for practicing statistical significance tests.
- Títol del seminari: Research on Hurricane Katrina and her cousins
- Conferenciant: Professor Brian Mapes
- Lloc de procedència del conferenciant: University of Miami - RSMAS
- Organitzador: Dept. d'Astronomia i Meteorologia
- e-mail de contacte: (Ileana Bladé)
- Data: Divendres, 30 de setembre 2005
- Hora: 13:00
- Lloc: Aula 212 de la Facultat de Física
- Resum: Hurricane research is divided into questions of formation,
motion, and intensity. Intensity change was studied
in a large experiment based at UM this year. Three
coordinated aircraft with Doppler radars flew in
Katrina and other storms.